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«Memory Gaps», Julia Schäfer
2019, 2'26''
Exhibition: 06. March — 12. April 2025
In the blink of an eye, the majority of humanity has become dependent on digital technologies: Tracking and analyzing our bodies is weaved into our everyday life. Every presentation of data and every production of an image, are pieces in a self-reflective mosaic.

The performance of data is almost never a static one - in the dynamic web, each load is a customized presentation of millions of pieces of information. Similar to loading a website, a memory is created every time it’s recalled. The slightly changed memory is now embedded as real, only to be reconstructed with the next recall.

Memory Gaps investigates memories through the technology of photogrammetry (Photogrammetry is a technique in which three-dimensional models are created from multiple photos). This technique of scanning an object or a space is commonly utilized to get hyper-realistic, three-dimensional results and is used in fields such as topographic mapping, architecture, engineering, police investigation, cultural heritage, and geology. The artist is particularly looking for imperfections, glitches, or empty holes in order to express the incompleteness of memory.

Opening at the Showroom@Progr: Thursday, March 6, 25
Exceptionally from 6 to 8 pm
  • IM LOOP w / Michael Spahr
    Thursday, 10. April 2025
    Exhibition until 01. May 2025

    10. April 2025
    Vernissage IM LOOP w / Michael Spahr
    Ab 20:00 Uhr in der PROGR Turnhalle, Bern

    Jeden Donnerstagabend zeigt in Zusammenarbeit mit der Sammlung Carola und Günther Ketterer-Ertle Videoarbeiten in der PROGR Turnhalle. Passende Musik vom PROGR Team sorgt dabei für ein besonderes Erlebnis, das Bild und Ton verbindet.

    Clima(c)tic Changes – Michael Spahr (VJ Rhaps)
    Video, HD, 15 Min., 2015 / 2025
Rafael Rozendaal
2017, Interaktive Installation