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«Sweet Noel»
2013, Quynh Dong
Duration: 07:53
Exhibition: 01. December — 23. December 2016
The subject women in a garden in the lacquer painting «Vuon Xuân Trung Nam Bac» by Nguyen Gia Trí, serves as starting point for Dong's work «Sweet Noel». Identity can be adapted and changed by history, it is always in transformation. It may be that Nguyen Gia Tri was inspired by Monet's paintings, also Monet was inspired by Japanese prints with the subject woman in the garden. Male actors are playing women's roles in japanese Kabuki. The body becomes form. Dong is creating a body language that overdraws the idea of a vietnamese and asian looking woman with references from the asian mass- and pop-culture. Eleven women hold static poses for seven minutes. Like in a Music Video, the women are waiting, standing, sitting, lying in the garden filled with colorful plastic flowers. The women remain in their positions and wait for their turn in the love song «Hai Mua Noel».