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«Berg und Beton»
2013, Simone Zaugg
Duration: 07:39
Concept/Scenario and Director: Simone Zaugg; Production: Simone Zaugg; Camera: Pfelder, Simone Zaugg; Soundtrack: Simone Zaugg; Sound: Pfelder; Video Editing / Image and Sound Processing: Michael Hewlik, Simone Zaugg
Exhibition: 28. November — 20. December 2014
Part of the collection
The video «Mountain and Concrete» (orig.: «Berg und Beton») deals with the Albigna Dam in Bergell, a transit valley between St. Moritz and Italy. The historical - political events and personal histories have been translated into performative video images, questioning the fascination of the dam and the controversy of this gigantic, structural intrusion in the Bergell Valley. The video moves within the tension between architecture and nature, between give and take, between survival and existence, between mountain and concrete, between body and work, between past, present and future. The dam is acoustically explored as a body of sound parallel to the development of film sequences. Only the combination of image and sound allows the viewer to feel and understand the spatial and temporal dimensions of this imposing structure. In 2014 the video «Berg und Beton» was nominated for the Bernese Film Prize.