Search for is a platform for video art. We offer artists working in the medium of video the opportunity to present their works to an interested public.

In eight to ten exhibitions per year we feature a selection of video works in our showroom. The selected videos highlight the actual tendencies of the medium; additionally, they reconstruct the development of artistic examination with moving images since the late 1990's.
Parallel to the showroom at PROGR, the same programme is presented in our video windows at the Bienzgut in Bümpliz and at the Houdini Kino/Bar in Zurich. The website forms an archive of the showroom presentations and works by associated artists.

Documentary or cinematographic videos, as well as expansive video installations, are not in our sphere of interest due to infrastructural requirements. Our archive reaches back to the late 1990s, occasionally even the 1980s, and expresses the joy of experimentation of the artists who discovered video as an independent, self-referential medium and gradually detached it from the performative character still attached to the medium in the 1960s and 1970s. The main corpus of works represented through was created in the 00s and 10s and thus focuses on contemporary video production. Increasingly, this means that video art today no longer relies on a recording device but is also often based on digital animation.

The project started in 2004 on the initiative of Carola Ertle and Günther Ketterer. The collectors, who have an affinity for video art, moved into a room on the first floor of the then interim use of the PROGR and showed a personal selection of current regional and international positions until 2008. From 2008 to 2010, occupied a shop window in the Speichergasse, until finally in 2012 the definitive move to the current showroom on the ground floor of the east wing at the PROGR followed.

The art historian and gallerist Bernhard Bischoff was fundamentally involved in the creation of the platform From 2004 to 2012, he helped shape the program and played a key role in its implementation. After 2012, with the opening of the showroom on the ground floor of the PROGR building, we were able to continue relying consistently on the support of the Bernhard Bischoff Gallery.

The programme of the showroom is composed of presentations of works from the Carola and Günther Ketterer-Ertle Collection and new discoveries that we would like to give a platform to. Since the 1990s, video art has been a focus of the Carola and Günther Ketterer-Ertle Collection. Personal contact and direct exchange with the artists are a central criterion of the collection’s work and the basis for an often long-term collaboration.

Carola Ertle and Günther Ketterer

Program Coordination
Laura Giana Binggeli
+41 31 991 23 06

supported by
Galerie Bernhard Bischoff,
Galerie Henze & Ketterer,

Postfach 620
CH-3018 Bern

Vertretungsberechtigte Personen
Carola Ertle und Günther Ketterer

Eingetragener Firmenname: AG
Nummer: CHE-107.647.048
Handelsregisteramt: Bern

Design und Entwicklung
Leon Klaßen,

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